
Songbird Festival in The Rounds

The Songbird Festival presents shows are a round of  ongoing shows celebrating local and national visual, performance and  beyond.  The the first round took place in 2009 for a month long music series and the second installment included a monthly series of music and performance art shows that took place from the winter of 2009 through later spring of 2010 round four we rolled out the barrell for a five week DIY Music Festival from Mid July through August 21, 2010.  The Current installments include a winter festival with shows co-presented with Seaweed Sway and a four month Con Brio co-sponsored residency at Amnesia from January 2011 through April 2011.  May 2011 through August 2011 will bring a new collaboration with Kamp Camille to life for a co-presented series Kamp Americana.  The 2011 five week festival will be in full flight mid September 2011 through November 2011.

Ms. Momo

Prior to moving to California The Songbird Festival, Founder and Curator Therese more commonly known as Ms. Momo or Momo was an active force in the Denver performance art community and brings over 10 years of scenic design and 6 years of costume design experience to the project. Therese has been an active community member of the Mission District for 13 years and has lived in the Bay Area for 15 years. As a multi-layered producer, curator, and artist Therese spends her time performing as a vocalist in several music projects and collaborating with various artists involved in visual and performance art.

Allison Lovejoy


Allison Lovejoy has performed internationally as a soloist, chamber musician, and accompanist. Her insightful and passionate performances have received wide acclaim, and her varied repertoire highlights virtuoso works of the late 19th and early 20th century. She has performed the Beethoven “Emperor” Concerto with the Orchestra of the International Festival of Music in Nicaragua under the baton of Maestro Urs Leonhart Steiner, and has also appeared as soloist in Rachmaninov’s “Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini”, Gershwin’s “Rhapsody in Blue”

and the Prokofiev Concerto No. 3. She was a prizewinner in the San Jose Young Artist and the San Francisco Concerto Orchestra Competitions, as well as a recipient of a Shenson Concert Series Grant. A guest speaker and performer at the 1998 San Francisco Symphony all-Gershwin concert at Stern Grove, she regularly presents concert-talks throughout California.

Miss Lovejoy received her M.M. from the San Francisco Conservatory of Music, her B.M. from the University of the Pacific and the Royal Academy of Music in London. Her teachers include Robert Helps, Daniell Revenaugh, Mack McCray, Nathan Schwartz and Gyorgy Sandor. She was also a participant in the Holland International Music Sessions for young artists, where she participated in master classes with John O’

Conor and Marie-Francois Bucquet.
She has recorded a CD of solo works by Rachmaninov, Ravel, Debusssy and Bartok on Metro Records, and is releasing “Nocturnes” for piano, as well as an album of her original cabaret compositions, this year. Her accordion music has been featured on Monadic Records and in the film “The Waves”

at Cannes Film Festival 2004, and her piano recordings have been featured in several films.
She has worked as composer, arranger, keyboardist, and vocalist on a variety of projects, including opera, musical theater, jazz, blues, hip-hop, and rock. As a member of the Trans-Siberian Orchestra in 2003, she played at venues such as the Beacon Theatre in New York and the Flint Center in Boston, also appearing on US and Canadian television.

Miss Lovejoy is a faculty member at the Academy of Art University and the Community Music Center, and has held positions at the College of Notre Dame and Foothill College. She has led master classes in the United States, Europe, and Nicaragua, and is dedicated to making music education and live performance available to everyone.

Chasing the Moon

Chasing the Moon is a video podcast that features local musicians performing in historic
Hyde Street Studio C in San Francisco. Episodes are released every
full moon, and showcases new and unique artists from many styles and
backgrounds. Go to for the entire HD
series. You can also find us on Facebook.


Ginger Murray

Ginger Murray is the editor in chief of Whore! Magazine, a women’s arts and culture publication. She is also the Empresaria of the Cat’s Pajamas, a member of the Conspiracy of Venus, a performance artist, writer and all around supporter of the scorned, the drag, the hidden and the edge.

For more information visit…
The Cat’s Pajamas on Facebook
Whore!Magazine on the web and on Twitter

Jascha Hoffman

Jascha Hoffman is a songwriter and journalist living in San Francisco. His debut album, A Cure for Sleep, was released this spring.



Kate Gibson
Kate Gibson is a San Francsico based physical performance artist.  Delving into the mediums of dance, clown, and voice she uses these tools to touch her audience at the heart.  She spends her days caring for children, healing people through touch, and running into everyone in the most unexpected places. She is a founding member of  The Conspiracy of Venus, The Mystic Family Circus, and The Simple Matters Players.


Michael Musika
What can you say about Michael Musika? From San Francisco and destined to become the next big enigma , Musika ( I think that is his real name too) creates haunting, surreal scenes with sounds made from trinkets and toys. Yet, he fills the space with an undeniable impressionist beauty. From the melancholy to the chipper choral and back again, Musika can walk innumerable miles in a single song. It doesn’t hurt that he surrounds himself withthe likes of Jolie Holland and the Blank Tapes, but this is Musika’s circus of the sublime all the way down that windy road. More information at the following links!
Check out a podcast of Michael’s music!
Don’t miss Michael Musika’s event on July 29!

SeaweedSway is an evolving project, by Jessie Woletz, to encourage, cultivate, & support community through music, movement, yoga, & nature events. SeaweedSway started as a list of recommended events in the Bay Area and continues to be that, but now also is a presenter of music shows & events, featuring musicians and artists who share similar creative intentions. Sign up for weekly email updates via the google group below, and/or check for updates at the following links.
Google Group

Kamp Camille

With Kamp Camille’s unique brand of Americana-Folk they have charmed and wowed audiences from Olympia to San Diego, Austin to San Francisco, the city they call home.

Their voices blend so easily into one another that at times it’s hard to tell who’s singing. each song of theirs is a story, a miniature life, that will hit you right in the jugular if you’re listening closely. And chances are you will be happy it did.

Band members include Nathan Hughes on lead vocals, guitar and harmonica. Chantelle Tibbs on lead vocals, guitar, hand/auxiliary percussion. Nathan Heintz on keys and Taylor Lissandrello on drums.

*Please visit to hear the tunes, see recent press and watch videos.
*See what fans are saying, drawing and sketching @

Porto Franco Records
In the eighteen months since its start, the family-run label Porto Franco Records collected an eclectic roster of seventeen artists and released twelve albums. It stayed true to its founders’ goal of supporting the local musical community –

14 of its artists are based in the Bay Area.

Rooted in jazz with releases by Gaucho, Mitch Marcus Quintet, Nice Guy Trio and Marcus Shelby Orchestra, Billy White, Dave Mihaly, and Devine’s Jug Band, the PFR catalog also features singers-songwriters Meklit Hadero, Mark Growden and Kacey Johansing, rock’n’

roll bands Umka & Bro and Mark Matos & Os Beaches, Balkan collective Brass Menazeri, and alternative ensembles borrowing from a range of styles and cultures Mercury Falls, Gojogo and Seth Augustus.

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